Aww I can't believe how stinken cute she is! I love this girl so much! She is by far one of the most wonderful people I have ever met! We have been through a lot together and I think I could truly say she is one of my best buds! We have had some good times together, some sad times, some frustrating times, ect.... I think she is just the most fabulous person I've met! It is so nice to be able to call her up and just to be able to vent or to share something that most people wouldn't find super exciting but she always makes you feel like you are number one! What a fabulous friend to have. Not only is she a great friend what a fantastic little mommy she is! She is a mom of 2 kids... gawl, I am so nervous to do that next step but as I watch her I think ok, it doesn't look too bad... she makes it look so easy and she is just so happy of a person I don't think I've ever seen her without a smile on her face... Thanks again pal for being so superb! You rock and thanks for playing and doing some photos so I can brag and show people that belly on such a little girl! LOL! your so cute and I love our new addition to the family! He is sooo handsome! ( more pics to come!!!)


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