Hahaha.. oh man I kinda made myself laugh on that post title... haha... This is my amazing family! This post is long overdue but like I said before I dont understand but family always gets pushed to the end.. So I apologize!! I had to post a few of these, especially the last one just because my sister is so funny! haha.. I love this family so much! Have you ever gone into someones house and felt like you could just put your feet right up on their couch, go look in the refrigerator and just make yourself right at home???? This is exactly how it is when I go to my sis's house. She is the most relaxed, easy going fabulous mom I have ever met... one day I hope to be just like her! I honestly can't say it enough my sisters and mom are my very best friends and I would die if I went a whole 2 days without talking to them! I love them so much! H you are such an amazing mom, a fabulous little wife and the best big sis around! I love you so very much and honestly I hope one day I get to be her! lol! I love you guys and miss you like crazy...
big kisses and hugs from AUNTIE!!! LOVE YOU

big kisses and hugs from AUNTIE!!! LOVE YOU

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